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Adjustments...and an update!

This morning, my darling husband let me sleep until 10:30....yup, TEN THIRTY. Who knows how long I would have slept. There are so many adjustments that need to be made when transitioning new children home. Now multiply those adjustments by 14. Then add the craziness of Christmas and two birthdays, and I'm surprised we haven't been an absolute train wreck :) (But my house has been hit by a hurricane...) Those few hours of extra sleep have really made a difference today!

I know that many of you are excited and eager to learn more about the challenges we have been facing so I thought I would share a few.


When we were foster parents, we were blessed to have 4 beautiful girls placed in our home with ethnic hair. I'm sure Matika and her sisters can tell you how clumsy, awkward, and overwhelmed I must have looked as I tried to navigate my way through it. They were SOOOOO patient with me! Our daughters have been the same -- patient and kind as Brialee and I have tried to figure it all out. From conditioning and washing to braiding and brushing...we are on a tight learning curve. Not to mention 4 definite styles and tastes to take in to consideration -- we are definitely raising bright, self-confident, and articulate young women :) Fortunately there is a BRILLIANT mom whose website has been invaluable ( and a great friend who has graciously spent time helping us manage this challenge -- THANKS MARIA!!!


Last night, after the little people had gone to bed, we had the most amazing experience as our son, Jaymon, joined us on the couch to chat for a bit. We talked about his upcoming birthday, what he thought about his crazy new family, and of course, when he can get a cell phone (aw....teenagers). But what struck me was several times through the conversation he put his head on my leg while we chatted. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! He had been home for a week and was trusting me enough to allow physical connections as well. FLOORED!! All of the kids have been so great -- calling us mom and dad, lots of hugs, and more. It couldn't be going better in the connections department!


Oh good, food, and MORE FOOD!! 14 people eat a LOT of food!! Most recipes have to be tripled in order to feed our crew and portion control has been a must. Just this morning I have made 24 giant chocolate muffins (think Costco...but cheaper) and I have another 24 in the oven as I type. Two turkeys for Christmas dinner, dozens of eggs, and gallons of milk. And don't forget the mass quantities of bread we have gone through. We have also learned what they like and especially what they don't like. Meal time is loud and boisterous and snacks are necessary. Yesterday, we had breakfast and lunch and headed out the door to the YMCA for some swimming. Ben didn't believe me that the kids would be hungry before dinner and was a little surprised when 8 boxes of mac-n-cheese later, they were able to sit down for dinner when it was time. And of course, with meal times and snacks comes a zillion dishes. My two dishwashers are practically running non-stop. We ate on paper plates last night because we were too tired to want to do dishes and I've realized that we definitely will need more silverware. Oh, and my last 24 gigantic muffins are now in the oven...just sayin'

This guy, however, has been the biggest blessing (THANKS MOM AND DAD). And the 50 pound bag of popcorn that goes with it is pretty much a staple around here. Nothing brings them running to the kitchen faster then the smell of popcorn (unless it is bacon of course, but I digress...)

The Popcorn Maker


Shoes and socks go together....oi. This picture should tell you how the shoe organization is going. If any of you have shoe organization down, I would LOVE to see how the answer to this problem before I have a bald spot or find myself in the fetal position.

Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes


If I ever have time to invent something, it will be designed to make matching socks much easier. Oh goodness...SO MANY SOCKS!! Laundry has been comical but I'm finding my routine again. It is the last thing I do at night and the very first thing I start in the morning. I am VERY fortunate to have had fabulous friends who spent Memorial Day installing a second washer and dryer (THANK YOU REX'S). I am positive it will keep me sane -- because clothes are so expensive, I am very particular about taking good care of them. That combined with my OCD about a clean house and the laundry room gets used every minute of every day.


One of the first obstacles we had to overcome was the frequent use of the Lord's name in vain. Now they correct themselves or each other so I don't have to worry about it. They simply did not know that it was offensive and they were amazingly receptive to the redirection. It will be awesome to watch God's hand in their lives -- when something as simple as how we speak about Him is already changing the eternities. :)

7. FUN!

From the YMCA to caroling, to building legos and watching movies, we are definitely having a lot of fun together. We've only had a few melt downs and squabbles, but that is expected as everyone figures out their new normal, tests boundaries, and gets to know each other.

So there you have it...a few things we've managed this past week. I'm off to do laundry and clean my own room, while everyone is currently enthralled in an electronic device of some sort or the other. So many of you have helped us these past few weeks and we have some big plans in the works to thank you personally. From the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful and touched by your generosity, prayers, and support!

With love from the land of chaos,

~ B

Meet the Parental Units 

We are Ben and Bridget...

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